Thursday, June 11, 2020

Ahead Into the Dark

“I suppose I took comfort in the illusion
that I could go back.
But I'd been around long enough to know
history is sealed and unchangeable.
You can move on, with a heart stronger in the places
it's been broken, create new love.
You can hammer pain and trauma into a righteous sword
and use it in defense of life, love, human grace
and God's blessings. But nobody gets a do-over.
Nobody gets to go back
and there's only one road out.
 Ahead, into the dark.” 
-Bruce Springsteen

After spending the past eighty-five days working from home, I returned to the office yesterday.  I figured that once Governor Murphy lifted the stay-at-home order under which we had been living since mid-March, it was only a matter of time before those of us scattered across the state like matchsticks would be summoned back to the Firm.  I decided that I would dictate that myself. 

It took me very little time to realize that while I enjoy how I earn a living, I no longer feel constrained to do it within the Firm's four walls in Parsippany.  I worked remotely for three months, driving to the office twice weekly in the early morning to drop off files, to pick up files, and to pick up my mail. But for those forays, I worked from home every day, never lacking for work to do, and never lacking for peace and quiet in which to do it. 

Yesterday, it took until 8:30 am, listening to people talking over one another - and our excellent Facilities Manager, Jose, and his right-hand, Rosemary, complaining about some allegedly important issue, for three months' of peace and quiet to be eviscerated.  


I did not miss it.  Not any part of it. 

This week, "WFB" Friday cannot arrive soon enough...and not just for me.  



  1. Fossil that I am I discovered eons ago that the peace of mind and tranquility (of sorts) I developed whenever I was on vacation more rapidly evaporated (as I aged) once I returned to work. I'm a people person, I tell myself, but other people just ruin it for me...

  2. Happy to know that it's not just me! To think, I gave up daily afternoon Dingo sessions with Sam for this.
