A lot of good folks are testing their mettle this afternoon for a simply terrific cause. Today is the annual Ladacin Plunge into the oh-so-brisk waters of the Atlantic Ocean. These hardy souls, including a number of whom the Missus and I know and love, shall voluntarily run off the sand on Manasquan's Main Beach and into the water. In case you are wondering, the forecast today for 'Squan calls for snow and wind gusting up to twenty-five miles per hour. Hell of a nice day for a dip in the ocean, right?
The Ladacin Network does incredible work for people with disabilities and their families. The Plunge is one of its major fundraisers. Margaret and I this year shall be where we are every year that we attend the Plunge - sitting in the warmth and comfort of Leggett's contemplating just how crazy Sue, Jeff, Brooke, Mike, Super Dave, and the rest of their rag-tag band of lunatics must be to hurl themselves in the Atlantic Ocean in mid-January...
...and afterwards saluting them for their effort.
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