Monday, March 7, 2022

E.O. 292

NOW, THEREFORE, I, PHILIP D. MURPHY, Governor of the State of New Jersey, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and by the Statutes of this State, do hereby DECLARE and PROCLAIM and ORDER and DIRECT:

1. The Public Health Emergency declared in Executive Order No. 280 (2022) pursuant to the EHPA, N.J.S.A. 26:13-1 et seq., is hereby terminated.

Upon hearing Governor Murphy's declaration this past Friday (and setting aside the question as to now one can declare an "emergency's end" seventy-two hours in advance), my mind drifted back to this time way back when in March 2020, and how we spent that final Sunday, B.C. (Before Covid).  What follows here is what I wrote then: 

Monday, March 9, 2020

A Day for the Ages

The first Sunday of the "Daylight Savings Time" season was a rousing success, at least when viewed from the admittedly selfish vantage point of my limited perspective.  

Yesterday morning, Sam I Am and I drove down to Princeton and met Jill and Rita at Mountain Lakes Estate.  While us bipeds walked the 2.5 mile trail, Sam and Rita celebrated their first cousins romp of the Spring with the appropriate level of enthusiasm.  They ran, they played, they wrestled, and they romped.  If it was half as fun to do as it was to watch, then they had one hell of a time.  Sam enjoyed a nice, extended nap yesterday afternoon, unwinding from the morning that was.  

Sunday is the day of the week when Suzanne, Ryan, and their crew normally come to our house for Nana's "noodle, noodle".  Yesterday, we changed things up and took our show on the road to them.  While Suzanne remained home relaxing (as if that is possible when you have three children and all of them are under the age of three) with baby Rylan before dinner, Margaret, Joe, and I took Maggie and Cal to the park.  What a time we had!  

Not every day - including but not limited to Sunday - exceeds our expectations, which is why it is important to enjoy the ones that do.  

Nothing is guaranteed, including, but not limited to, next Sunday. Plan for tomorrow but live today.  

Every day.  


"Nothing is guaranteed, including, but not limited to, next Sunday."  Boy, I called that one correctly...with a nice touch of understatement just for good measure.  

Proof, I suppose, of the old adages about blind squirrels and nuts and broken clocks being right twice a day.  


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