Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Sort of Homecoming

And your heart beats so slow,
Through the rain and falling snow
Across the fields of mourning 
Lights in the distance 
Ah, don't sorrow, no, don't weep
For tonight at last
I'm coming home
I'm coming home. 
-"A Sort of Homecoming"

It is inarguable that not a whole lot of good has come to pass to date in 2020.  It is difficult for me to envision anyone who has been alive this year ever harkening back to this 366-day odyssey as "the good old days" in any "remember when" story.  Inasmuch as this Leap Year has lasted only a minute or two short of forever (and we still have 1/6 of it yet to navigate), someone should get to work on drafting legislation cancelling Leap Year for the foreseeable future.  Enough already. 

Among the bright spots this year, for me, has been the opportunity to support good people doing good things at my Alma mater, CU Boulder, by taking part in virtual events that would otherwise not have been virtual events but for COVID-19.  In June, I ran in the Buffs4Life Kyle MacIntosh Memorial Virtual 5K, legging my miles under the warm, humid New Jersey sun.  It was the first time in the event's history that it has been anything other than an in-person event held in Colorado.  This year was the first time I have ever been able to take part in it. Given that it raises money for a good cause and it honors the memory of an extraordinary young man, it was my pleasure and privilege to have been able to do my small part.  

Plus, they sent me a bib AND a medal!     

I have not yet run a single step and I am already getting prizes.  I shall not get a better deal than this any time soon. 

I hope that by June, 2021 life has returned to normal or at the very least a reasonable facsimile thereof.  Yet I hope that the 9th Annual Kyle MacIntosh Memorial 5K in 2021 includes a virtual component so that us Buffs who live almost 2,000 miles away and who spend our summers at the Jersey Shore can participate in it. 

This morning, I am running in the 2020 Wherever You Roam Virtual 5K, which is part of CU's "Homecoming & Family Weekends Wherever You Roam" celebration.  $5.00 of my entry fee has been earmarked for the Student Scholarship and Health and Wellness funds.  Given that I was getting up to run anyway, no reason why not to do a little something for someone else in the process.  

Enjoy your Saturday. 


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