Saturday, February 20, 2021

The Power of Perseverance

In the interest of full disclosure, and to paraphrase the Poet Laureate of the Jersey Shore, "I learned more from 12 seasons of The Big Bang Theory than I ever learned in school" about physics.  That being said, I am an unabashed NASA nerd.  I have always been a social sciences fellow.  I majored in Political Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder before matriculating to Seton Hall University School of Law to earn my J.D.  I fancy myself the poor man's Bo Jackson in that "I Know What I Don't Know".  

If you have not seen the footage of the Mars Rover Perseverance ("Percy" to his friends at NASA) landing on the surface of Mars, which happened earlier this week, then I cannot encourage you strongly enough to watch it, which you can do right here.  

Bravo and congratulations, good people of NASA.  Thank you for continuing to dazzle me.  



  1. Ponder this NASA Nerd: how is it that imagery from Mars can be so crisp and clear it's like looking through a window and again tonight on the local news, there will be grainy nearly unrecognizable footage of someone robbing a 7-11? ;-)
