Friday, April 10, 2020

Pop Pop, the Unlikely Policy Influencer

On Wednesday afternoon, Governor Murphy issued a new directive to his fellow New Jerseyans. All people inside of the essential stores that have been permitted to remain open during our statewide shelter-in-place order shall now be required to wear facial protection.   Thank you, Governor Murphy. 

Last weekend, I made trips on back-to-back days to the Shop Rite in Somerset (Franklin Township) where the Missus and I buy our groceries.  Saturday morning, I did our shopping and then on Sunday morning I shopped for Suzanne and Ryan.  Fun fact:  When you are an incorrigible old asshole AND heavily insured you are the designated shopper for your family.  At least in my family you are. As it should be. I take the whole "protect yourself, protect others" mantra seriously, which is why I pushed my cart up and down Shop Rite's aisles while dressed like this.

Pop Pop geared up for the Shop-Rite:
Being safe and supporting the Alma mater

The number of people steadfastly refusing to wear gloves and facial protection I saw in the store both days was staggering, particularly since not all the cowboys were shoppers.  Shop Rite employees eschewed necessary PPE too.  To date, more than two dozen Shop Rite stores across New Jersey have reported at least one employee afflicted with COVID-19.  

Truthfully, I had no idea that Governor Murphy followed me on Instagram (he does not) or valued my counsel (he does not) but the enactment of this new directive less than four days after I posted this video is (in my opinion only) irrefutable proof that he does:

*WARNING: This video contains a word or two
of profanity. If you are a sensitive soul, then you
just might be offended.*

My fellow New Jerseyans (and for your information, DJT, it is "Jerseyans" and not "Jerseyites"), you are welcome.  I am humbled to have had my small contribution to this effort recognized at the highest levels of state government.  I applaud Governor Murphy's action.  I stand ready to answer the Governor's call the next time he needs my help (he did not call the first time and he shall never, ever call). 

Stay well.  Stay safe.  As much as you can, stay home.  



  1. And all this time I thought you were channeling Outlaw Pete!
    A tip of the Dr. Anthony Fauci Bandana to you, good sir!
